

one line drawing, pigment inkjet print on rice paper

each 110 x 82,5 cm


»Recursion« shows the back and forth translation between the analog and digital spheres, condensed in a one line drawing. An anticipated bodily movement of a car drive, a drive as a co-driver, and a recounted run are represented in digital maps, which are transformed back into movement in a one line drawing on an Ipad. Like in traditional calligraphy, it’s aiming for the perfect stroke in the here and now. The difficult task is to capture the full body movement of the drawer on a relatively small surface of the drawing tablet. Three selected digital pens with varying qualities and limitations are physically touching the glass surface of the tablet, bridging the analog and the digital – for a slight moment even merging the two realms. In a last step the drawings are printed on a digital rice paper, showing the pixels of the drawing pen, sitting on the texture of the rice paper.