See through the Dragon Head


HD video, 9:16, 27 min

projection on tilted screen

soundscape by Wibke Tiarks


»See through the Dragon Head« shows parts of the ancient Qi Gong dragon form to question the current relation between the human body and the perception of space in the realm of the current use of technology. In the dragon form the hands stand for the dragon heads. In the performance one of the hands is holding a smart phone, which films the movements in slow-motion, while at the same time being moved in space. In the sequence the smart phone camera slides around the body and entangles the performer and per casted shadow with the seaside surrounding, representing the Chinese elements water (sea) – earth (sand) – wood (trees) – fire (sun) and metal (smart phone). The Qi Gong teaching holds a deep knowledge of the perception of space. In its forms a very detailed idea of moving bodies in three-dimensional space and its inner and outer relation is inscribed. The video work ponders what will happen with this kind of physical knowledge in the near future, in a time in which daily life increasingly happens in front of screens and in virtual spaces.

In collaboration with the sound artist Wibke Tiarks, the soundscape makes the complex space audible. All sounds are generated, partly through AI plug-ins, which are normally used for cleaning up voice recordings, are used here on the sea waves.

With a reference to early feminist video art of the 60s, »See through the Dragon Head« continues the endeavor to fathom the relation between the body and recording technology from a queer non-binary angle.